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By Lozin Nylund-Carleton


9" × 12"

Acrylic on canvas

Artist Statement:

So far In the year if 2024, I have felt absolutely powerless. 


My cat Olivia has been my emotional support for over 16 years. Every time I have ever felt sad, she's there for me. But as of lately I have been in a state/feeling of desolation and derealization - all I want is to be held. "I wish my cat was huge so I could just cuddle up in her fur and cry." I'm learning to let things be. 

Image by Mak

About the Artist

Lozin Nylund-Carleton is a current student at the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA). She is from O'ga Poegah Owingeh, NM.

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